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Is your child

We’re working to create a future where myopia progression in children is easier to control. If you have a child who is nearsighted, you may be able to help.

See if your child is a candidate for a paid clinical study investigating myopia progression treatment options.

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Slowing Down Myopia Study

Age Range
8-12 years of age
Study Length
12 visits over 4 years
Up to $1,000 for completing all study visits
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What can you expect during the study?
A total of 900 kids between the ages of 8-12 will be enrolled nationwide. Children in this study will have a 75% chance of receiving vision-correction lenses designed to slow the progression of nearsightedness and a 25% chance of receiving standard vision-correction soft contact lenses. As a study participant, your child will wear their assigned lenses for three years. During the fourth year, all study participants will wear standard vision-correction soft contact lenses.

All contact lenses and office visits are provided at no cost, plus you could receive compensation for your child’s participation in the study.

By allowing their eyes to be checked at designated intervals throughout the study, your child is making it possible for researchers to pursue new advancements in the treatment of nearsightedness that may serve to benefit future generations of children with myopia.

Your child’s changing vision can help change lives.


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